Monday 11 April 2016

Doctor Who

Sup Guys, how ya all doing!!
sorry about not doing much blogs as i am very busy!
Btw thankyou everyone who came and view my blogs!! 
i am very grateful for that!! 
So anyway todays blog i will be talking about doctor who!!
<------- You can play this song if u want :)

The Doctor that I first started watching was the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant, who's a bit more well-known, I guess. I came across the episode 'Blink' - which featured the always creepy Weeping Angels - in 2010 due to the strangest thing: I found a YouTube video about a mod(ification) for a video game which added Weeping Angels as an enemy. Although I loved the episode, I still didn't pursue more of the show. Over the next couple of years, I watched that episode a couple more times before deciding to look up the rest of the modern series (2005-present) in mid-2012. I watched the episodes online and started from the beginning - 'Rose'. I was very into watching Doctor Who and had gotten up to date on everything around the time that The Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, finished his run in 2013. Personally, I wanted to meet him so much then i did  because his a big favorite of mine. Peter Capaldi was eventually announced as the new Doctor, which was great as I'd been a giant fan of him since I was about ten and eleven. By this point I still hadn't watched an episode live as it premiered on TV but I was ready to re start the time lord journey with this new Doctor. 
During 2013, I got into the Classic series (1963-1983), starting with Pertwee, of course. I watched his seasons and the Fourth Doctor's, Tom Baker, before watching the First and Second's (Hartnell and Troughton) followed by everyone else in order. Whilst the story arcs - four or five episodes per story arc - could get a a little lengthy in the middle, I always enjoyed each story, no matter how bad the script or acting may have been. There are very few things that could turn me off Doctor Who, and I haven't encountered one yet. And now we come to the last of my first Doctors (if that makes a lick of sense,) which is the first Doctor I watched live each week. This, as I stated earlier, was the Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi, who started his run last year. Nowadays, I own quite a lot of shirts, a scarf, a couple of posters,a Fez, the 10th doctor and 11th doctors outfits, and even a little figurine of the Twelfth Doctor that a friend of mine bought for me this year. Not only that, but I pride myself on knowing a lot of the trivia about the show. 
Such as: The Doctor was not always called "The Doctor" despite what people may say. The first four Doctors were all credited as "Doctor Who" in the credits and he was sometimes even referred to as Doctor Who by characters in the show. When Peter Davidson became the Fifth Doctor, he requested that they change it to "The Doctor" which is how it stayed from then on. When the show came back in 2005, the Ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccleston, was also credited as "Doctor Who" until David Tennant was casted and requested to change it, quite like Davidson did. I can't speak highly enough of Peter Capaldi's acting as well as his Doctor's personality. Brash and sarcastic, but still the slightly aloof Doctor that's he's always been. He's definitely my favorite Doctor alongside Matt Smith and David Tennant. Not to mention, he's an absolute gentleman to meet in person, as I did last week.But tbh my most favourite meeting the doctors was David Tennant! I met him and he came up to me and ask if he could pull me aside for something. At the moment i was a little frightened and nervous for what hes was going to ask. He said he asked me if he could read my mind by me drawing a picture and him guesing what it was. I drew a wolf, and he guessed it right!1 i was like omi gosh hugged him and said im a big fan and walked off smiling. But enough about Peter Capaldi, David Tennant and Doctor Who. I'll ramble if I'm not careful. 
Do you have a TV show that you absolutely love? 
Do you collect the merchandise or interesting trivia about it? Tell me below, I'd love to know!
By the way, i love all the doctors but cant put them in order and yes i love Christopher Eccleston xD 
anyway enough about Doctor who! 
Love u guys have a great and safe holiday and ill be doing Q and A's for my next blog!! comment ur questions below and i will answer them next Thursday!! <3

Saturday 22 August 2015

Hey, Sky Divers today im here to show u some of the edits I've done so far and some Ive tried to put on Msp but declined it ;c so lets start ;-;

I know this one a lil mean but hey we all have our moments besides i was bored
My Arty from Msp
Edit of me all those writings are true bout me

Edit of me ( in blue) and my friends ( group photo )

 I Hoped u like seeing my edits !! :p <3

Basic Rares

These are just the basic rares ;) ill be doing the more uncommon rares in a different post ^-^

1.   LA hair
This rare Came Out in rare week this year!!! Many people get confused about this.. Remember THIS RARE CAME OUT!!!! many people still are willing to trade good things for it though because they were not here for the rare week.

        2. Snake Tattoo
        This one is popular and many people know about it. A common misunderstanding
        about it is because people think its a dragon tattoo but it is a snake tattoo. This
        tattoo is really hard to trade these days due to the rare week that just occurred.                 they released many of the rares that made it easier to get a snake.

  3. Lacey Top
      This rare did not come out in this years rare week and is a pretty high                 ranked rare. Many people will trade something very good for this rare.                          

4. Feather skirt
Not in rare week, Really hard to get. Worth a lot i guess :) a lot of people glitch this rare so :) but ya ;p

5. Ducky slippers
This Rare was not released during rare week. This rare has grown in the charts a lot lately. Because of this many people want this rare and it is hard to get.

6. Uptown hair
This rare is very popular lately. It was not released in rare week. Many people have this rare and i you want it, it is very easy to find someone that has it.

              7.  Stripey
               also a pretty known rare. This was not released in rare weeks. Many people have
               this rare and are willing to trade it for a good rare. :)

8. Sweet and strapless
A pretty popular rare, this was not released in rare week. Many people, again have this rare. again it is pretty high up on the charts and has to be traded for a good rare :p

9. Fish nets
This was not realeased in rare week. Not many people trade for this a lot. Well at least from what I have seen. ;p so many people are willing to trade this rare.

10. ready for Fall.. or I think thats what its called

So this rare had been growing really popular lately. I was not in any of the rare weeks. It is worth a lot in the rare charts i guess. But ya :)

11. Miss Valentine or Miss Val.
This rare Is VERY high up in rare scale. this was not in rare week. Many people are willing to trade good things for this rare. So if you have it, save it for something good. :D but ya, if you want this rare you have to have a pretty good rare to get it.

Just a note: when your trading NEVER and i mean it, accept trades where people say i will give you the rare for 10 greets. They WILL scam you. dont accept that even if it is REALLY tempting. I fell for it once and they just scammed me and blocked me.. it was not a good experience.. O_o
Anyways, i will post later about the ULTRA rares like rose tattoos, girdles, and etc. Thx for reading


Rare Trader :3

Rare Trader :3
This is Fish La Fish she has TONS of La hairs and a bunch of other really good rares to. She doesnt respond right away but she will prob. respond sometime or later

Rare trader :3

Rare trader :3 
this is Red 530 Rose she has a ton of good rares :D she might not respond as fast but she still trades :D

Rare Trader :3

Rare Trader :3
so this is Cutie Pants <3 she has a ton of really cool rares xD so ya shes a pretty good rare trader

Rare trader :3

Rare trader :3
so this is <3 pump she has a lot of good rares :) but on her account right now it says she might send some of her rares to her account named Rarebear<3

Rare trader :3

Rare trader :3
this is hotttiee36666 she has rares from rare week and a lot of other ultra rares xD

Rare trader :3

Rare trader :3
this is Allie4564 she has a ton of rares so :p ya

Rare trader :3

Rare trader :3
this is arwenlucy@ she has pretty good rares so you can trade with her